You sleep on the floor in my room
in the modelling apartment
I share with eight other girls
You open the fridge
to see what we’re eating
Butter Spray, Diet Coke, Jell-O
Do you think we’re clichés
living out of stained suitcases
shaving our legs with shampoo
carving our names into bed-frames
We clog the sink with hair
Our hair is everywhere!
Heather locks herself in the bathroom
Priscilla sleeps on the couch
Barbara goes out
and never comes back
I’m so ashamed of you
with your hairy armpits
You make so much noise with your body
breathing and sweating and saying things like
Your safety is my top priority
Marc Jacobs tells you to wait downstairs
while I walk around for them
When I cry you feed me pine nuts
You know what’s just enough
and what’s too much
A photographer tells you to wait in a café somewhere
He shuts the door and turns the lock
In the photo a shadow
eats half my face
the other half is one big eye
and mouth turned down
like an old petal
A mother tries to be there for her model daughter
“Visit from Mother” was originally published in The Program © 2022 by Megan Fennya Jones. Reproduced by permission of Goose Lane Editions.